About Us
Sarl tolga agro food is the first private grower of dates in Algeria is indeed a real pioneer in the fieled of exporting dates, it was established in 2003, situated in 17 route of touggouret tolga Biskra /Algeria. where it occupies an area of about 3600 square meters, its capital is 10,000,000 DA and the number of the permanent workers is estimated at 70 and 150 as a seasonal. It produces annually about 6000 tons of dattes. its founders are Mr sadek kisrane bouzidi and Ben sahal abdeldjebbar .
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Our products
Tolga agro food company provides diffrent types of dates grown, processed,conditioned, pitted, bulk and paste dates Deglet nour dates: Known as the queen of dates, it is characterised by its ovoid shape, a fine texture and brown color with yellowish flakes.Because of its sweet, juicy taste and transparency, deglet nour are the most popular dates they are found in a palm groves of southeastern algeria, especially in the region of tolga,Deglet nour is particularly rich in energy intake (295 kcal per 100 grams ).Fresh, it is composed of 70% Water ,sugar, mineral salts and it containes vitamin C.* Pitted dates:Pitted dates are essentially just dates that have had their pits (or seeds) removed for better texture and easier snacking.*Conditioned dates *Diced dates *Paste dates *Branched dates*Bulk dates
Tolga Agro food company is certified

USA organic farming Certificate